Buying a running shoe is not the same as buying a smart shoe for work. Too often naive runners will not realise the different choices on offer, and go with either the cheapest shoe they can find, or fall for the running shoe salesman’s line that “
more cushioning is better because it will protect your knees from the impact of running”. That is what he wants you to believe because it is his job to sell you running shoes, and the shoes at the high end of the market (priced in the UK at £80 to over £100) have more cushioning, and logically speaking should be the better shoe. Why else would they cost so much?
Christmas has come early for me this year - these Mizuno Wave Idaten's are a Christmas present from my parents, and should really be wrapped up in their box and not opened until the 25th December!
One good thing is that I haven't run in them yet. I ordered them from the
Natterjack website a few days ago hoping they would arrive before Christmas. Well, they arrived the day after they were put in the post. So, top class service from
Natterjack. Not only were they £6 cheaper than I could find anywhere else (including ebay), but they arrived very quickly, and they fit. That can be a problem ordering shoes online or through mail order: you order a cheap pair of shoes, they turn up and you discover they are the wrong size!
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